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tamoadmin 2024-05-23
奥林匹克运动会(英语:Olympic Games 希腊语:Ολυμπιακο? Αγ?νε?;Olympiakoi Agones),简称“奥运会”,是一个由国际


奥林匹克运动会(英语:Olympic Games 希腊语:Ολυμπιακο? Αγ?νε?;Olympiakoi Agones),简称“奥运会”,是一个由国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界性综合运动会,包括夏季奥林匹克运动会、冬季奥林匹克运动会、残疾人奥林匹克运动会、青少年奥林匹克运动会和特殊奥林匹克运动会。奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次(曾在两次世界大战中中断三次,分别为公元1916年、1940年和1944年),每届会期不超过16天。

奥林匹克运动会因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚(Olympia)而得名。古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元393年,共历经293届,后被罗马皇帝狄奥多西一世以邪教活动罪名而废止。1894年在巴黎召开的国际体育会议,根据法国贵族皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin)的倡议成立了国际奥委会,并决定恢复奥运会。现代第一届奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后在世界各地轮流举行。由于1924年开始设立了冬季奥林匹克运动会,因此奥林匹克运动会习惯上又称为“夏季奥林匹克运动会”。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。


Olympic Games (English: Olympic Games Greek: OMICRONlambdaupsilonmupiiotaalphakappaomicron & # 943; ALPHAgamma & # 974; Nuepsilon & # 962; ; Olympiakoi Agones) , the world being called "Olympiad" for short , being that one is held by International Olympic Committee synthesize Games , include summer Olympic Games , Winter Olympic Games , deformed man Olympic Games , teen-agers Olympic Games and peculiar Olympic Games. Every 4 years holds Olympic Games breaking off a triple once (once in two time of World War , compose in reply in 1916 , in 1940 1944) respectively for A.D., each session date of a meeting does not exceed 16 day. Olympic Games gets a name because of coming from ancient Greece Olympia (Olympia). Olympiad was got through 293 sessions together in the ancient times from B.C. to A.D. for 776 years for 393 years, the queen was exercised accusation but was abolished by Rome emperor Di Aoduoxi I with heresy. International sports convention held by 1894 in Paris, · is morals according to France nobleman Pierre proposing of · Coubertin (Pierre de Coubertin) has set up the International Olympic Commi , has decided to restore Olympiad and. Modern the first Olympiad is held on 1896 in Greece Athens , is holds henceforth by spells in world everywhere. Since beginning to have set up Winter Olympic Games in 1924,Olympic Games is called "summer Olympic Games " therefore on habit. Olympic Games has already become peace and the emblem of friendship now. At present 29th Summer Olympic Games in course of Beijing hold, set up 28 major terms and 302 small item together. Time of one Summer Olympic Games is held in United Kingdom London in 2012. Nearest one winter may be Turin in 2006 Winter Olympic Games oersted , set up 7 84 major terms together small item. Going down one Olympiad is Vancouver Winter Olympic Games in 2010.



  奥运会1(The Olympic Games)


 The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world. Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and sum mer games.


 The Olympics began in Greece more than 2 700 years ago. The first recorded Olympic competition was held in 776 B. C. It was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one race running. The games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. Then, in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor.


 It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic events and a symbol of sporting friendship of all the people of the world.




 奥运会起源于2 700多年前的希腊。第一次有记载的奥运会竞赛举办于公元前776年。比赛是在露天体育场进行的,大约有4万人观看了比赛。前天十三届的奥运会只有一个项目:赛跑。奥运会一直定期举办了约1 200年,然后,公元397年,被罗马皇帝禁止举办。




奥运会2(The Olympic Games)


 Beijing Olympic Games is the 29th Olympic Games.It will last16 days, since August 8, 2008, carry on 28 matches of 302 little projects, sell 7 million tickets. In order to further improve the traffic environment, the expressway of Beijing will increase from present 500 kilometers to 718 kilometers,Beijing will let the going out swift, on time, security of people participating in Olympic Games.Hope Beijing Olympic Games can be succeeded in holding

